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Change for our children. Change for our staff. Change for our safety. 

District 5 Challenger

Marlene De La Rosa

Marlene's Endorsements


  1. School, student & staff safety
  2. Academic outcomes
  3. Creating more diverse, equitable & inclusive schools


"Raise my taxes, and/or taxes in my community, to cover the DPS shortfall”

Previous Board Service:

  • Denver Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (budget around 185 million, 30 rec centers & over 200 parks)  

Goals & Metrics:

  1. DPS will increase overall reading scores from 40.3 on CMAS in 2023 to 44.3 in 2024 (3 point increase) English learners will increase from 10.8% to 15.8% (5 points).  with a rating from unsatisfactory to exceeded broken down by % increase    
  2. DPS will monitor safety plan to include discipline ladder/matrix.  Ongoing monitoring of citations issued.  Take subjectivity away from school leader to allow for in relation to discipline matrix.    
  3. Identifying staffing gaps in schools by working with HR to identify open positions and length of time to fill positions. Having exit surveys will help illuminate why staff are leaving the district, as well as identifying any trends.

Additional Comments:

Create survey for student/teacher/community feedback on safety to be issued end of each semester. Also, moving toward the elimination of racial disparities in discipline by using currently collected data to identify areas of the discipline matrix that result in the greatest racial discipline disproportionalities.

Closing achievement gap by using traditional, grade level proficiency in math & reading, and non traditional metrics such as gifted identification as well as enrollment in AP & IB classes. 

District 5 Boundaries:

Board District 5 Map