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Change for our children. Change for our staff. Change for our safety. 

Help Vote out Charmaine Lindsay!

District 5: Marlene de la Rosa

District 5 is as fluid as ever. Charmaine Lindsay, who originally vowed to not run for her seat, later changed her mind and is currently being challenged by Marlene de la Rosa and Adam Slutzker.  Given Adam's responses to our Candidate-Community Survey we simply cannot recommend him as a viable candidate.  Marlene however, is a very strong option and has the ability to defeat Lindsay.  She will need your help. See Marlene's responses to our survey here.

The School Board seat was last contested in 2019 when Rev. Brad Laurvick was elected by a tiny margin.  In 2021 Laurvic resigned (smart dude!) and the current Board, in its infinite wisdom, appointed the remarkably under-equipped and unimpressive Charmiane Lindsay.  Like her colleagues, Lindsay participated in an illegal Executive Session in response to East HS shooting, supported Marrero's hefty and pre-mature raise and bonus, voted to dissolve Innovation Zones and to fire Kurt Dennis. Lindsay has spent her un-elected term as a passive by-stander at best and at worst a complicit yes-woman to the toxic and destructive culture that has permeated the Board. 

District 5 Boundaries:

Board District 5 Map