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Change for our children. Change for our staff. Change for our safety. 

District 5 Challenger

Adam Slutzker


  1. Producing well-rounded students    
  2. Educator & staff recruitment and retention
  3. Creating more diverse, equitable & inclusive schools


"Raise my taxes, and/or taxes in my community, to cover the DPS shortfall”

Previous Board Service:

  • None

Goals & Metrics:

  1. Recruiting and maintaining educators, support staff and central office staff. Oversite through data, comparable/competitive salaries and listening to our staff around their needs/desires and if those are being met by central office decisions.    
  2. Equitable distribution of resources to all neighborhood schools. Auditing how we distribute our funding/resources and capping classroom sizes to keep schools from burdening staff and to better evenly distribute funds.    
  3. Student and family support towards high levels of attendance and academic growth. Analyzing where we see lower attendance levels and working with communities to determine root problems to help support better attendance and academic 

Additional Comments:


District 5 Boundaries:

Board District 5 Map